Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Price of Being the Nice Guy

Kids, being a nice guy is hard. It's easy to be a jerk. All you have to do is not care about the people you don't like, and cast them aside just like recycling a plastic milk bottle. But when it comes to being the nice guy, it's not so easy.

As wrong as it sounds, the generally accepted let down in the dating world these days is to do nothing. No call, no e-mail, just be done with it all. I have to admit, I've taken this route before several times, but it feels wrong. I feel as if I should at least say something to them.

The hardest part of dating is when one person is interested and the other isn't. Being the nice guy means breaking a lot of hearts... sometimes it's mutual incompatibility and honestly that's the best case scenario. But then the other times you have to be the one to say "hey, you're a great girl, but it just isn't going to work out."

It's so cliche, yet I've found it to be so true too, to say "it's not you, it's me." Because it really is. It's me! What the hell's wrong with me?! I swear I'm just not able to make anything work. Not because I can't, but because I won't make it work. I don't believe in it.

When is the perfect girl going to walk into my life? Maybe it's when I stop looking. Maybe...